Please click on the interactive map below to locate ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ’s regional representatives
and affiliate organizations in your region.

ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ Board Officers
ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ Board of Directors
ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ Staff
Regional Leadership
ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ Scholarship Program
ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ La Scala Scholarship
ITAMCAP Legal Scholarship at Luiss University
ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ Italpress Internship in Journalism
ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ-Fulbright-Fondazione Falcone
Please click on the interactive map below to locate ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ’s regional representatives
and affiliate organizations in your region.